VERIFICATION: What color is grass?

Viewing properties 1 - 2 of 2
12825 James Blakeney Avenue, Charlotte, NC 28277, MLS # 4225768

12825 James Blakeney Avenue
Charlotte, NC

Neighborhood: Blakeney Greens
3 BR, 2.1 BA, 1,815 sqft
MLS# 4225768 | Ruby Realty LLC
9507 Lina Ardrey Lane, Charlotte, NC 28277, MLS # 4213766

9507 Lina Ardrey Lane
Charlotte, NC

Neighborhood: Blakeney Greens
3 BR, 2.2 BA, 1,860 sqft
MLS# 4213766 | K.M.D. Realty Inc.

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